Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mental Imagery

I wanted to focus this blog entry on Mental Imagery. This is one of the most key asset one can have in the tool box of tools to learn , study and perform any self defense technique or come out on top of any physical incident bar none. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Where and how many times has that been said by so many. And likely through so many cultures. Well there is a reason. Especially for those who really take it to heart. The one culture that comes to mind first for me is Shaolin Monks. Or also Buddhists as well. A lot of the meditation and way of life is through mental imagery. Being one with the spirit and soul , body.
Mental imagery and focusing on you performing technique in your mind will get you at least 80% outcome in your favor. It has been proven by athlete's that most sports tend to be 75% or more mental and the rest physical and skill. Time and time again it has been a tool of many.And here I as well will swear to you that with the mental imagery you will even see improvement in your technique while training. If not I would like to hear comments back from those who have failed.
When I do the imagery I take it to the max. I picture myself performing self defense while standing in the check out line of a store. What if I get suddenly attacked and everyone stands around looking on? I also do mental imagery when I'm walking through a low lit area and I make myself aware of my surroundings. I always ask myself 1) what will I do? 2) what can I do? 3) How will I do it? And all this sounds as if it I'm running this process in my head forever. No. This should only be seconds in your head and have the ability to make a split second decision and a responsible one at that.
You ask or may comment if I walk around paranoid. No I do not. I am a martial artist and a person that intends to live in peace. But I also no I can protect my loved ones and friends if needed.
All these tips should be taken seriously and responsibly. But now I will explain how to perform the best mental imagery you can provide yourself. Sit down in a quiet room or at your favorite place to be calm and relax. No outside world distractions that will take your focus away. Sit calmly or lay down. However you choose. Think of a place you would go that is the most calming beautiful spot that is just mentally and physically relaxing and just feel the stress of the day escape. This is known to most as thier happy place. Once there and relaxed imagine yourself in uniform getting up and stretching to train. Afterwards picture yourself going through technique in slow motion. ensure you have the technique down pact. And as you see yourself performing it and your comfortable with it , then see yourself doing it faster. Think to yourself in this attack I would do this. And if this were to happen I would do this. Think of as many situations that you could face and see yourself counter each of them. Repeat the ones that seem to be important. Its your mental imagery session you are able to do what you want. And when done see yourself cool down and see your own face with satisfaction of the performance. And there you go. Your done.
As a instructor I can't emphasize enough the importance of mental imagery. Earlier I mentioned its at least 80% of your battle. Some may say its more. But that depends on expirence also. But for those that don't do it are definitely missing out. And mental imagery is free and you are your own instructor. No one can invade your mind. Your free to have your own thought. Make it healthy. I myself totally believe in mental imagery. Thank you my friends and I hope all is well for everyone.

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