Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blocking Series

Mortal combat has been around since man has walked this earth. The concepts and many different styles have been born and born again. Many fit the personalities of those who show interest. But if you study each of them they all are found with similar building blocks. Foot placement is one of them. Another is the basics of punching and blocking and kicking. These very simple techniques were even deployed before one of the oldest weapons known to man. “The knife”. The basics had to shared also then because if you minus the knife you have the empty hand. ( Okinawan Karate ).
But before you would learn how to strike you as the student should first learn how to block. There are three common basic blocks to learn. Lower , Mid , High blocks. Each are to be learned equally with left as the right. Keep the balance. Every person has a personal perimeter. Modern day this is known as a bubble. Within this area is your personal solitude that is not to be entered unless welcomed. You are able to preserve this bubble from threats by blocks that I am speaking about. Anyone can learn these techniques and deploy them. My nine year old , when she was five was able to learn them and deploy her early skills. And definitely even at five , understood the responsibility of such knowledge.
These block are deployed with not a straight arm. Your arm should be bent to absorb the shock of striking and blocking a oncoming threat. And hopefully redirect the opponents strike away from your body. Which is the goal! . And to protect yourself!.

In this photograph you see the upper block being deployed. Notice it protects the head and the other hand and arm are protecting yourself from a counter strike. Blocking is essential as much as any other part of martial arts styles. You cannot rely on just constant offense.

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