Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How it began.

Guerrilla Tactics was created during the initial push of the Iraq War. Somewhere between the border of Kuwait and Baghdad. Between the operations and lulls in the action the idea of this
system began. It was intended for the system to provide the basics to the student. No matter how skilled any martial artist or practioner is in his/her form they always revert to the basics. And when one finds themselves to be in a real time situation it is the basics that are ingrained in our muscle memory. Guerrilla Tactics was then brought home to the United States. Internationally recognized by International Combat Martial Artists Union Association ( Icmaua ). This is a system of hand to hand combat and tactical training that one will face in real time. The warrior mindset is impressed upon everyone and the warrior synergy begins to form for every student. Master Todd Hezlitt welcomes you to Guerrilla Tactics, America's unconventional fight system.

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