Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The basics

Welcome to Guerrilla Tactics. This blog has been created for students and interested readers around the world. In these posts some will pertain to the students and others will be focused to anyone for their thoughts and interests. Learning is a never ending evolving concept that only if we choose to do so can be shut out. As we go on in our path of life we will go through many trials and tribulations. But we should never see each one of these as a negative aspect working against us. It is more human than ever to learn and utilize what was learned and carry that tool with us, than to just ignore it and move on with that lesson just being a faint memory.
Martial arts can be included as well. And a key thing taught and every student should remember. " If it does not feel natural , don't use it." Martial arts needs to flow and feel natural to your own body's motion. While performing your martial technique , if a certain motion feels contorted you need to pause and realize that that technique is either being performed wrong or isn't naturally meant for you to perform it. That is why different martial art forms do not fit every persons personality. They may try them and explore, but the body will let you know naturally if it is right for you. So keep your mind open to these thoughts. Learn and train well.

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