Thursday, August 20, 2009

Punching Series

When you start with punching you need to know how to make your fist. There are many ways to strike with your hands but most commonly known is the fist. You want to strike with your first two knuckles first always. No matter how others may convince you otherwise, You always want to strike inline of your body and arm. This provides your body wieght and force to follow your strike. You want mass behind your strikes.

Making a fist usually has one known misconception that when folks try the one technique thinking it'll work will quickly break your thumb. Never under no circumstances should you ever make a fist with your thumb rolled up inside your fist. Try this within the safety of your own home. Make a fist so your thumb is inside your fist. Strike a safe hard surface and strike it hard as you can. This is so you will learn never to do it again. It isn't rocket science what the outcome is going to be. Now that we are past that, lets cover proper thumb placement.

Place your thumb outside of your fist. Underneath your fingers if you hold you hand the proper way. ( See photograph ) Your fingers should be curled and create a flat striking surface. This is the surface in which you will strike with. Do not twist your wrist in an un-natural position. Your fore arm should be straight from the elbow to your knuckles. Never fully extend your arm in any strike. You risk hyper extension.

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