Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conversation on trainning

Good Morning !!!
I wanted to talk about the important aspects of trainning for a bit. After every incident or crisis we always have lasting memories. And sometimes these events are negative. But either way we need to see them as learning opportunities or trainning. So if they possibly happen again we can respond better. Or have a higher level of confidence. Can never be caught off our guard. Must always be ready but not live in paranoia. And trainning is important for this. The old saying " Train the way you fight." Is so true. You must always train the way you intend to react in crisis. If you fail to do so then you will be hurt seriously. Think about scenario's and how you would react. Then practice mentally and physically. And that is a key statement also. Train mentally. Picture yourself doing the technique and being the victor. Always see yourself win and not backing down. Defeat is not a option. Slow mental and physical trainning would suprise anyone who tries it for the first time or second. You actually create the muscle memory better this way. Then also within your trainning regiment throw in high impact trainning. Be versitile to how you train. Any other idea's that anyone would like to add please do so.

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