Monday, February 22, 2010

Increase reflexes and tones!

Rubber band workout. Sounds silly doesn't it. But actually its the rubber bands or tubing we see in workout video's. I never see anyone really seriously say these would be good for anything but for losing weight. But they are. To increase your reflexes and tone and help create that muscle memory , I have found this is one way. You can carry them around with you. It doesn't take but ten minutes a few times a day to see the change.

The ideal length is two feet. And how you do it is you mimic the techniques you would use if you had free weights. I.e. Butterflies , hold each end of the band and pull it apart. But not completely. To the point of tension and then release. Repeat this as many times as you want.

For arm curls you could wrap the band around the leg and pull up till you have tension. Its little resistance and easy for anyone to do. But it increases your reflex action and what most athletes and practitioners know as fast twitch muscles. And the benefit of this is to help your muscle memory.

I use the bands all the time. Because I don't want bulk , I want speed and tone. And this is how I do it. Surgical tubing is also nice to use. Less flexible but different band strength is smart.

Try it and let me know how it turns out.

Master Todd Hezlitt

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