Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jessy's question

Question : Where should I strike a female , in the groin or breast?

Answer :


You must realize in a fight neither could be effective. It depends the severity of the fight. A small quick fight you could stun the attacker. But a long drawn out fight may not be effective. I know from fights I never felt anything till later. This could be the same for your situation. The body's response to trauma is definitely under-estimated. The body shuts its sensory system down so it can protect itself. Good thing is that it just does not happen for your opponent but you as well. I would strike in the neck. Cut your opponents oxygen and they will back off. I suggest a knife hand strike to the neck. Or if your opponent has hair , to grab a good clump. Throw your opponent away. ( Where the head goes the body will follow. ) For more information check out my blog.

Master Todd Hezlitt

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