Monday, August 24, 2009

A book with a wealth of knowledge

Good morning!!!! I wanted to share with all of you warriors and whomever out there visiting about this great book I would not hesistate to promote as one of the top books for warriors. We as a warrior breed need to always seek good and new information that is put out there in the mainstream. Always be open to learn more and in different ways. This book is relatively new. I have had it for some time and have studied it front to back and back to front. It explains so much and helps you understand the concepts of a warrior in action. The author " Lt.Col. Dave Grossman ( U.S. Army Retired ) shares his studies and all that those who have shared to create On Combat bring you the bare truth of being a warrior and understanding it.

The book covers Physiology of Combat. And also Price of combat and the aftermath of you actions. Its all about hand to hand combat. I know you may be one who is just starting and have learned of my blog and have a confused look on your face. Read the book trust me. It all may sound complicated but Lt.Col Grossman does a wonderful job of explaining what he is communicating in this book. From beginner to practioner this book is for you. Share your thoughts here with the blog if you care during your reading of it or after. I invite your comments. Enjoy. And thank you Lt.Col. for your service and for On Combat.

I would like to add there are also other good books written by Lt.Col. Grossman. I urge you to visit

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