Thursday, December 24, 2009
Don't forget your christmas was brought to you by someone that served !
Warriors , friends , family
Lets not forget those who are deployed. Serving our nation 110% We don't have to agree politically but lets come together to support those who sacrifice and serve. They wish they were home to. Let them know they are not forgotten nor the war they fight. We are there for them.
Semper Fi
Master Todd Hezlitt
Merry Christmas Warriors
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Halloween Safety
This is a message for you mom's and dad's. Halloween is fast approaching. Every year our children and some adults who think they are still kids at heart dress up to celebrate the holiday. It is a holiday to be celebrated with fun and safety. Many times we set out with our children with some fears, that if we can just take the few precautions we would have a better time. Halloween like Thanksgiving is a fall holiday. Halloween also marks the end of harvest season. The end of October marks the time that pastures and fields dry up. The animals were brought in from the pasture to be butchered and the remaining vegetables left in fields and gardens were left to rot. This part of the season often brought about reminisce of loved ones that were lost.
What ever may be the reason you may celebrate Halloween I wanted to add some safety tips so that you and your children can have a safer holiday.
1) When your children go out make sure they go with a group or with mom and dad.
2) Take a flashlight. Halloween is usually celebrated at sunset.
3) Go to homes that you know. It isn't a race to get candy. And collecting candy by car pool is not safe.
4) Before you allow your children to eat any of the candy, inspect it. Friends may have the best intentions but it is best to be safe.
5) Set a time limit if your children go out without you. Most towns , cities have curfews and will be enforced.
6) If they have costumes that limit visibility make them so your child can see vehicles safely.
7) For the little ones make the costumes visible or reflective. To go house to house they have to be on the roadway. This mixes vehicles with children.
8) Have your child memorize the home phone number. And most importantly they should know 911. In emergency contact information becomes vital.
9) Map out a route that you and your children will take. Have them and yourself carry copies of it. Congested areas you could be separated. Have the childs address and contact information on that map. And one step further take a snap shot of your child with the costume on and off.
10) My last step I'm going to list is Have Fun !!. There could be many more safety tips I could add but this list is able to be changed by each mom and dad. And its a holiday to be aware but also enjoy it. So Happy Halloween!! See ya out there.
Fall is here folks
Summer is now gone and the season is now fall. I like fall the most in New England. When the colors come alive. The tree's many different kinds lose thier leaves. Then it is also time for the holidays and that starts with halloween. I am fond of the holiday season. I also definitely like when the rockies are in thier fall season as well. The aspen tree's turning the mountains to gold and early snow sits on the peaks. Such a awsome sight nature provides. Even though this is the season when nature lies dormant for the oncoming of winter it does not mean its time for us to. As warriors and martial artists we need to stay reminded that our skills only stay as sharp as we practice. So I hope everyone not only prepares for the winter months but realize just because summer has past, does not provide the excuse to relax and not train. Training discipline comes from the heart and the mind. Keep on it. You will be happy with yourself later.
Light in the dark martial arts
Light in the dark martial arts is in Phoenix , Arizona. It is ran by a good professional friend of mine. Dustin Crouse and his partner Tim Street. Dustin being a part of the same lineage as I, is dedicated to teaching those survival. And by doing so the preservation of not only life but Dustin believes in the preservation of the warrior culture. I urge all those that live in Metro Phoenix to visit. This is something new but Dustin and Tim have years of training behind them that will provide inidividual attention and with one goal in mind. Self Defense. I to will be making several visits.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Steven Seagal
I would have to say being any of the criminals caught by Steven Seagal instantly became born again citizens. Congradulations to Mr. Seagal and thank you for your service.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Conversation on trainning
Good Morning !!!
I wanted to talk about the important aspects of trainning for a bit. After every incident or crisis we always have lasting memories. And sometimes these events are negative. But either way we need to see them as learning opportunities or trainning. So if they possibly happen again we can respond better. Or have a higher level of confidence. Can never be caught off our guard. Must always be ready but not live in paranoia. And trainning is important for this. The old saying " Train the way you fight." Is so true. You must always train the way you intend to react in crisis. If you fail to do so then you will be hurt seriously. Think about scenario's and how you would react. Then practice mentally and physically. And that is a key statement also. Train mentally. Picture yourself doing the technique and being the victor. Always see yourself win and not backing down. Defeat is not a option. Slow mental and physical trainning would suprise anyone who tries it for the first time or second. You actually create the muscle memory better this way. Then also within your trainning regiment throw in high impact trainning. Be versitile to how you train. Any other idea's that anyone would like to add please do so.
Monday, August 24, 2009
A book with a wealth of knowledge
Good morning!!!! I wanted to share with all of you warriors and whomever out there visiting about this great book I would not hesistate to promote as one of the top books for warriors. We as a warrior breed need to always seek good and new information that is put out there in the mainstream. Always be open to learn more and in different ways. This book is relatively new. I have had it for some time and have studied it front to back and back to front. It explains so much and helps you understand the concepts of a warrior in action. The author " Lt.Col. Dave Grossman ( U.S. Army Retired ) shares his studies and all that those who have shared to create On Combat bring you the bare truth of being a warrior and understanding it.
The book covers Physiology of Combat. And also Price of combat and the aftermath of you actions. Its all about hand to hand combat. I know you may be one who is just starting and have learned of my blog and have a confused look on your face. Read the book trust me. It all may sound complicated but Lt.Col Grossman does a wonderful job of explaining what he is communicating in this book. From beginner to practioner this book is for you. Share your thoughts here with the blog if you care during your reading of it or after. I invite your comments. Enjoy. And thank you Lt.Col. for your service and for On Combat.
I would like to add there are also other good books written by Lt.Col. Grossman. I urge you to visit
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Good Job
With every instruction you will learn how to use these techniques better with time. Eveything should feel natural. If it does not then something needs to change. But it is important you practice and if there is a question ask. This blog is dedicated to you the student. And to the preservation of the warrior class. Till next time.
Punching Series
With using any techniques you need to have a good stance. And with this stance it is a good base to punch from. A good stance is very important. To have balance and structure will help you with the good mental mind set. A mindset to win.
You want your feet alittle more than shoulder length apart and your strong side foot forward. To determine which side this is consider the side you mostly feel comfortable with. A good practioner will be able to be confident with both. Have your arms up to block any incoming strikes but don't block your sight either. Have your fists closed but relaxed ready for battle. And have your fists, temple height just wider than your temple. Slightly bend your back bit forward but not to much. You want to draw a straight line from your head all the way through your center. This is called " having a good center ".
From here you can execute techniques such as punches.
Punching Series
When you start with punching you need to know how to make your fist. There are many ways to strike with your hands but most commonly known is the fist. You want to strike with your first two knuckles first always. No matter how others may convince you otherwise, You always want to strike inline of your body and arm. This provides your body wieght and force to follow your strike. You want mass behind your strikes.
Making a fist usually has one known misconception that when folks try the one technique thinking it'll work will quickly break your thumb. Never under no circumstances should you ever make a fist with your thumb rolled up inside your fist. Try this within the safety of your own home. Make a fist so your thumb is inside your fist. Strike a safe hard surface and strike it hard as you can. This is so you will learn never to do it again. It isn't rocket science what the outcome is going to be. Now that we are past that, lets cover proper thumb placement.
Place your thumb outside of your fist. Underneath your fingers if you hold you hand the proper way. ( See photograph ) Your fingers should be curled and create a flat striking surface. This is the surface in which you will strike with. Do not twist your wrist in an un-natural position. Your fore arm should be straight from the elbow to your knuckles. Never fully extend your arm in any strike. You risk hyper extension.
Punching Series
In this series I will share the basic concepts of the empty hand. They can take all the weapons in the world from you but short of cutting your hands and feet off and taking your thoughts away your still left with the most lethal weapon known to man. The human mind and body. When the Japanese opressed the okinawans and took all the known weapons away, the okinawans were smart. As farmers they took thier tools and learned how to use them as tools of protection. And created Okinawan Karate. Or known as art of the empty hand. It is not only the techniques of punching that which bring you victory. Its where you strike which is important. And before you walk you must crawl. So later we will talk about where to strike. Here we will talk about how to strike.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mental Imagery
I wanted to focus this blog entry on Mental Imagery. This is one of the most key asset one can have in the tool box of tools to learn , study and perform any self defense technique or come out on top of any physical incident bar none. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Where and how many times has that been said by so many. And likely through so many cultures. Well there is a reason. Especially for those who really take it to heart. The one culture that comes to mind first for me is Shaolin Monks. Or also Buddhists as well. A lot of the meditation and way of life is through mental imagery. Being one with the spirit and soul , body.
Mental imagery and focusing on you performing technique in your mind will get you at least 80% outcome in your favor. It has been proven by athlete's that most sports tend to be 75% or more mental and the rest physical and skill. Time and time again it has been a tool of many.And here I as well will swear to you that with the mental imagery you will even see improvement in your technique while training. If not I would like to hear comments back from those who have failed.
When I do the imagery I take it to the max. I picture myself performing self defense while standing in the check out line of a store. What if I get suddenly attacked and everyone stands around looking on? I also do mental imagery when I'm walking through a low lit area and I make myself aware of my surroundings. I always ask myself 1) what will I do? 2) what can I do? 3) How will I do it? And all this sounds as if it I'm running this process in my head forever. No. This should only be seconds in your head and have the ability to make a split second decision and a responsible one at that.
You ask or may comment if I walk around paranoid. No I do not. I am a martial artist and a person that intends to live in peace. But I also no I can protect my loved ones and friends if needed.
All these tips should be taken seriously and responsibly. But now I will explain how to perform the best mental imagery you can provide yourself. Sit down in a quiet room or at your favorite place to be calm and relax. No outside world distractions that will take your focus away. Sit calmly or lay down. However you choose. Think of a place you would go that is the most calming beautiful spot that is just mentally and physically relaxing and just feel the stress of the day escape. This is known to most as thier happy place. Once there and relaxed imagine yourself in uniform getting up and stretching to train. Afterwards picture yourself going through technique in slow motion. ensure you have the technique down pact. And as you see yourself performing it and your comfortable with it , then see yourself doing it faster. Think to yourself in this attack I would do this. And if this were to happen I would do this. Think of as many situations that you could face and see yourself counter each of them. Repeat the ones that seem to be important. Its your mental imagery session you are able to do what you want. And when done see yourself cool down and see your own face with satisfaction of the performance. And there you go. Your done.
As a instructor I can't emphasize enough the importance of mental imagery. Earlier I mentioned its at least 80% of your battle. Some may say its more. But that depends on expirence also. But for those that don't do it are definitely missing out. And mental imagery is free and you are your own instructor. No one can invade your mind. Your free to have your own thought. Make it healthy. I myself totally believe in mental imagery. Thank you my friends and I hope all is well for everyone.
Mental imagery and focusing on you performing technique in your mind will get you at least 80% outcome in your favor. It has been proven by athlete's that most sports tend to be 75% or more mental and the rest physical and skill. Time and time again it has been a tool of many.And here I as well will swear to you that with the mental imagery you will even see improvement in your technique while training. If not I would like to hear comments back from those who have failed.
When I do the imagery I take it to the max. I picture myself performing self defense while standing in the check out line of a store. What if I get suddenly attacked and everyone stands around looking on? I also do mental imagery when I'm walking through a low lit area and I make myself aware of my surroundings. I always ask myself 1) what will I do? 2) what can I do? 3) How will I do it? And all this sounds as if it I'm running this process in my head forever. No. This should only be seconds in your head and have the ability to make a split second decision and a responsible one at that.
You ask or may comment if I walk around paranoid. No I do not. I am a martial artist and a person that intends to live in peace. But I also no I can protect my loved ones and friends if needed.
All these tips should be taken seriously and responsibly. But now I will explain how to perform the best mental imagery you can provide yourself. Sit down in a quiet room or at your favorite place to be calm and relax. No outside world distractions that will take your focus away. Sit calmly or lay down. However you choose. Think of a place you would go that is the most calming beautiful spot that is just mentally and physically relaxing and just feel the stress of the day escape. This is known to most as thier happy place. Once there and relaxed imagine yourself in uniform getting up and stretching to train. Afterwards picture yourself going through technique in slow motion. ensure you have the technique down pact. And as you see yourself performing it and your comfortable with it , then see yourself doing it faster. Think to yourself in this attack I would do this. And if this were to happen I would do this. Think of as many situations that you could face and see yourself counter each of them. Repeat the ones that seem to be important. Its your mental imagery session you are able to do what you want. And when done see yourself cool down and see your own face with satisfaction of the performance. And there you go. Your done.
As a instructor I can't emphasize enough the importance of mental imagery. Earlier I mentioned its at least 80% of your battle. Some may say its more. But that depends on expirence also. But for those that don't do it are definitely missing out. And mental imagery is free and you are your own instructor. No one can invade your mind. Your free to have your own thought. Make it healthy. I myself totally believe in mental imagery. Thank you my friends and I hope all is well for everyone.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Blocking Series
In these photographs I show two different ways you can perform the blocking technique. It is personal preference. With the best intentions of defense you will not remain in this stance after deploying this blocking technique. Nor will you allow yourself to be struck. So you are able to choose which way you would rather deploy this technique. Your alternate arm up or down.
Blocking Series
Blocking Series
Mortal combat has been around since man has walked this earth. The concepts and many different styles have been born and born again. Many fit the personalities of those who show interest. But if you study each of them they all are found with similar building blocks. Foot placement is one of them. Another is the basics of punching and blocking and kicking. These very simple techniques were even deployed before one of the oldest weapons known to man. “The knife”. The basics had to shared also then because if you minus the knife you have the empty hand. ( Okinawan Karate ).
But before you would learn how to strike you as the student should first learn how to block. There are three common basic blocks to learn. Lower , Mid , High blocks. Each are to be learned equally with left as the right. Keep the balance. Every person has a personal perimeter. Modern day this is known as a bubble. Within this area is your personal solitude that is not to be entered unless welcomed. You are able to preserve this bubble from threats by blocks that I am speaking about. Anyone can learn these techniques and deploy them. My nine year old , when she was five was able to learn them and deploy her early skills. And definitely even at five , understood the responsibility of such knowledge.
These block are deployed with not a straight arm. Your arm should be bent to absorb the shock of striking and blocking a oncoming threat. And hopefully redirect the opponents strike away from your body. Which is the goal! . And to protect yourself!.
In this photograph you see the upper block being deployed. Notice it protects the head and the other hand and arm are protecting yourself from a counter strike. Blocking is essential as much as any other part of martial arts styles. You cannot rely on just constant offense.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The basics
Welcome to Guerrilla Tactics. This blog has been created for students and interested readers around the world. In these posts some will pertain to the students and others will be focused to anyone for their thoughts and interests. Learning is a never ending evolving concept that only if we choose to do so can be shut out. As we go on in our path of life we will go through many trials and tribulations. But we should never see each one of these as a negative aspect working against us. It is more human than ever to learn and utilize what was learned and carry that tool with us, than to just ignore it and move on with that lesson just being a faint memory.
Martial arts can be included as well. And a key thing taught and every student should remember. " If it does not feel natural , don't use it." Martial arts needs to flow and feel natural to your own body's motion. While performing your martial technique , if a certain motion feels contorted you need to pause and realize that that technique is either being performed wrong or isn't naturally meant for you to perform it. That is why different martial art forms do not fit every persons personality. They may try them and explore, but the body will let you know naturally if it is right for you. So keep your mind open to these thoughts. Learn and train well.
Martial arts can be included as well. And a key thing taught and every student should remember. " If it does not feel natural , don't use it." Martial arts needs to flow and feel natural to your own body's motion. While performing your martial technique , if a certain motion feels contorted you need to pause and realize that that technique is either being performed wrong or isn't naturally meant for you to perform it. That is why different martial art forms do not fit every persons personality. They may try them and explore, but the body will let you know naturally if it is right for you. So keep your mind open to these thoughts. Learn and train well.
How it began.
Guerrilla Tactics was created during the initial push of the Iraq War. Somewhere between the border of Kuwait and Baghdad. Between the operations and lulls in the action the idea of this
system began. It was intended for the system to provide the basics to the student. No matter how skilled any martial artist or practioner is in his/her form they always revert to the basics. And when one finds themselves to be in a real time situation it is the basics that are ingrained in our muscle memory. Guerrilla Tactics was then brought home to the United States. Internationally recognized by International Combat Martial Artists Union Association ( Icmaua ). This is a system of hand to hand combat and tactical training that one will face in real time. The warrior mindset is impressed upon everyone and the warrior synergy begins to form for every student. Master Todd Hezlitt welcomes you to Guerrilla Tactics, America's unconventional fight system.
system began. It was intended for the system to provide the basics to the student. No matter how skilled any martial artist or practioner is in his/her form they always revert to the basics. And when one finds themselves to be in a real time situation it is the basics that are ingrained in our muscle memory. Guerrilla Tactics was then brought home to the United States. Internationally recognized by International Combat Martial Artists Union Association ( Icmaua ). This is a system of hand to hand combat and tactical training that one will face in real time. The warrior mindset is impressed upon everyone and the warrior synergy begins to form for every student. Master Todd Hezlitt welcomes you to Guerrilla Tactics, America's unconventional fight system.
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